7 Signs You Have a Dental Emergency on Your Hands
April 16, 2020

It’s common knowledge that a cracked or knocked out permanent tooth needs to be treated right away. However, not all dental emergencies are so easy to identify. New and unusual symptoms in your smile could be an early warning sign of something much more serious that needs urgent treatment. Here are seven signs that you need to call your Midland dentist right away for emergency dental care.
1.) Your Canker Sore Won’t Heal
Since your mouth is naturally brimming with bacteria, it’s very easy for cuts in your mouth to get infected. Call your dentist if you have an oral wound or canker sore that hasn’t healed after two weeks.
2.) Your Gums Ache or Bleed Easily
Gum tissue that is inflamed, sensitive, and bleeds easily is typically associated with a serious bacterial infection known as gum disease. If left untreated, it can lead to permanent jawbone damage, tooth loss, and systemic health issues. However, it can be reversed if caught and treated early enough.
3.) Your Tooth Suddenly Goes Numb
Although it may be more comfortable, a previously painful tooth that suddenly goes numb could mean that it’s in more danger. The roots may be damaged or infected, and the tooth may fall out.
4.) Your Permanent Tooth is Loose
Teeth can’t heal themselves like other parts of your body. If a permanent tooth feels loose, it’s at risk of falling out. It needs to be stabilized by your dentist right away to prevent it from detaching completely.
5.) There’s a Small Bump on Your Gums
If pus and bacteria have formed around the roots of an infected tooth, a small, pimple-like bump may appear on the gums. Your dentist can safely drain the abscess and contain the infection.
6.) You Have a Fever or Feel Fatigued
Fever and fatigue are natural responses to a serious infection, even one in your mouth. Although your body is trying to fight it off, it can spread and become life-threatening without the help of your dentist.
7.) Your Jaw, Face, or Neck is Swollen
Swelling in your face, jaw, or neck is another symptom of a severe oral infection. You need to see your emergency dentist right away unless you’re having difficulty breathing or swallowing. In that case, head straight to your local ER instead.
If you’re not sure if that new pain in your smile or unusual dental symptom counts as a dental emergency, don’t hesitate to call your Midland dentist right away anyways. From over the phone, they can help you assess your situation and decide which steps to take to get back to enjoying your happy, healthy, and pain-free smile.
About the Author
Dr. Laura Philipps of Midland, TX is committed to meeting and exceeding expectations of dental care. She uses the latest dental technologies and techniques to ensure every treatment is as comfortable and effective as possible. Since your oral health and overall wellbeing are so closely intertwined, she offers a wide variety of services from dental fillings, tooth replacement options, TMJ therapy, and sleep apnea treatments. With over two full decades of dental experience, the most advanced oral health services available, and an individualized approach to care, she can help you achieve the ideal smile you deserve. If you’re experiencing unusual dental symptoms, please contact her via her website or at (432) 570-4433.
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