When Should I Change My Toothbrush?
June 21, 2021
Your teeth can last for a lifetime with the right care over the years. Your toothbrush is your smile’s first line of defense against cavity-causing bacteria that can threaten the longevity of your teeth. The American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth at least twice daily for 2 minutes each session, which means your toothbrush is going to get a lot of use. Eventually, it’s going to need to be replaced, but when? Here’s the information you need to change your toothbrush on time to safeguard your smile.
Keep Your Smile Healthy During Your Summer Vacation with These Tips
June 19, 2021

Summer is one of the most popular seasons to travel. With the beautiful weather and a more relaxed work/school schedule, it’s not hard to see why! However, the last thing you want is for your fun in the sun to result in cavities come fall. To help prevent that from happening, keep reading for a few summer oral health tips to keep in mind while enjoying your much-deserved time off.