Watch Out! These Diets Can Ruin Your Smile
January 19, 2022
We’ve officially made it to 2022! Have you started working on your list of New Year’s resolutions? For most people, that usually includes weight loss and breaking bad habits. While you may have found a diet that promises to help you reach a more sustainable BMI, you should keep in mind that it could result in a few negative side effects. There are certain diets that can be detrimental to your smile. Read on to learn which diet trends can ruin your oral health.
(more…)4 Practical New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthy Smile
January 5, 2022
A shiny new year has just begun, and you’re probably looking for ways that you can save money or get healthier. Why not do both at once by resolving to take better care of your oral health? By adopting a few simple habits, you can enjoy a healthy smile and avoid painful (and expensive) dental problems. Keep reading as your dentist in Midland reveals four New Year’s resolutions that can benefit your smile in 2022 and for many years to come!