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5 Signs That You Might Be Dehydrated

June 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lauraphilippsdmd @ 2:12 pm
person drinking water due to dehydration

Since it’s summertime, you’ll want to make sure you drink plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated while in the heat. Not only is this important for keeping your body strong and functioning, but it can also protect your smile in the long run. However, feeling thirsty isn’t the only indication that you might be dehydrated. Keep reading as your dentist in Midland explains a few lesser-known signs of dehydration, how it impacts your oral health, and tips for avoiding it!


3 Foods You Might Not Know Can Cause Cavities

June 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lauraphilippsdmd @ 12:18 pm
a bowl of saltine crackers in Midland

Your diet is essential when it comes to preserving your dental health. One of the most problematic snacks is sugary treats, as eating these can make you more likely to get cavities. However, candies and pastries aren’t the only meals that can harm your pearly whites. Keep reading from your dentist in Midland about three surprising foods that can also cause cavities!
